Islamic Treatment For Witchcraft
Islamic Treatment For Witchcraft
Get Rid of Ailments through Islamic Treatment for Witchcraft
Islamic Treatment For Witchcraft, When things are running smoothly in your life, you may find that abruptly, things are turning upside down. You may be attacked with chronic diseases. Failures and adversities may engulf you in every aspect of your life. Something r super-natural or mysterious may be causing these adversities. Everything in human life; good or bad happens at the will of the almighty Allah pak.
Islamic Treatment For Witchcraft
But, the witchcraft casts some negative spells that bring negative things to happen in your life. No human effort can remedy such negative energies. In such cases, the best option for you is the Islamic prayers for protection against witchcraft. The prayers are recitation of specific verses or dua, extracted from the Holy Quran Sheriff. These verses have magical effects to counter the effect of witchcraft. Before practicing any counter action, you should consult an Islamic Guru having knowledge and experience.
Witch craft is used mostly by women. It is also known as the “Craft of the Wise”. It is a craft practiced by witches. In the ancient time, the religious sages used this technique for healing chronic diseases which could not be cured by medicines. The Islamic cure for witchcraft is still used widely by people who have absolute faith and trust on Allah Pak. You can get control over witchcraft by performing regular namaz and making supplication (Dua) to Him. The following are a few of the duas that are extracted from the Holy Quran.
- Allahumma finihim beemaa Shi’ta. Translated to English, it means O! Allah Pak, protect me against them, in whatever manner you wish.
- Allah Humma Antaa adhudi wo anta nasiri bika ajulu wo bika asoolu wo Bikaa ugantilu; translated to English means Ya Allaha You are my strength, you are my only support. For your sake, I advance and fight.
- Hashbu Allahu woni amal wake; translated as “The benevolence of Allah Paak is sufficient for us and is the best of all on whom we can depend upon.
- Allah umma Manzila Kitabee Shari-al ihzimil Allah Humma izeemuham wo zalzihoom; translated as O! Allaha defeat the group and shake them.
The Islamic medicine for witchcraft manipulates the environmental energy for summoning changes in favor of the practitioner of the dua. Witches perform their craft in groups which is also called covens. Working in groups evokes more powerful energy. This powerful energy can heal up diseases like leprosy, epilepsy, tuberculosis, bacterial Buruli ulcer.
It is essential that you have knowledge about the preventive health measures, based on the Islamic ways. But the most important factor is that you perform the Islamic prayers for protection against witchcraft under the guidance of an expert Islamic Guru. By the blessings of Allah Paak, you can remedy the present adverse situation. At the same time, you will be protected from the evil of witch craft.
Witchcraft or magic is known as Sihr and the person performing it is known as “Saahir”. If you have fallen victim to the adverse consequences of witch craft, you can opt for treatment by adopting any of the following Islamic cure for witch craft,
1: First you have to find out, what the saahir has done for casting the spell on you. For instance, he or she might have put some hair in a place or comb. You have to discover the same; these should be removed, burnt or destroyed. By this, what has been done will be reversed and the evil intention of the Saahir will not materialized.
2: If you know the saahir, you should force him or her to ‘undo” what he or she has done.
3: You should recite specific verses or surahs of Quraan-e- Paak. These are Aayatul Kurshi, the Soorat-al Aaraaf, Soorat Ta-Ha , Soorat –e Yunoos, Soorat- al- Ikhlash or Miwadhatyan. You can also recite the Surah, used by Zibreil Allleyhe Wossalam for treating the Prophet, Rassolillah (Sswt).
It goes as Bismilah urquik Wasteek, min kulle Shayeen yudheek womin Sharree kulle nafsin wo ayeen hasideen Allah yushfeek, bismillah urqueek. This should be repeated thrice, along with “ Kul Huwa Allah wo Ahad” and “AlMee-wadhatayn. After reciting the above surahs, blow into water and the afflicted person to drink for several times. Insa Allah, the sihr will be removed by the grace of Allah Paak.
4: You can take seven pieces of green lotus leaves, and after grinding the same well, put them into water. Then, recite the surahs and duas mentioned above. Then, give the same to the afflicted person to drink. You may also recite the following Soorahs and blow onto the water. It will be most effective for a person who is prevented from having intercourse with his wife.
- Soorat-al-Faatiha
- Ayatul Qurshi from Soorat al- Bagarah which goes as “ Allah! Laa Ilaha illa hoowa
- Soorat al-Araaf
- Sooratul yunus
- Soorat Ta Ha
- Soorat-al-kaffirun
- Sooratul Ikhlaas and Al-Mi’ wadhatyan
- Sooratul Naass
Everything in the world is subject to the decree and will of Allah Paak and He is in control of all things. Therefore, if the recitation of prescribed Soorahs is performed with absolute faith and submission to Allah Paak, the sihr will be removed from the afflicted person. Repeat the soorahs several times with utmost sincerity, faith and taquwa. You will surely get the Islamic cure for witch craft.
One of the ways of Islamic cure for witchcraft is by applying further witch craft. This is known as “nusrah”. Another important factor is, you should be patient and ask for the bliss and grace of the Alighty Allah Paak.
You should depend upon on Allaha alone because none other than Him knows what is good and what is bad for you. He is the most merciful and benevolent. He removes the harm if the islamic prayers for protection against witchcraft is performed under the guidance of an expert Islamic Guru.