Tarot Spell To Attract Love
Tarot Spell To Attract Love
Tarot Spell To Attract Love, The origination of Tarot and tarot card spells for love date back in Ancient Egypt time. The old Tarot deck consisted of 56 Minor Arcana cards and 22 Major Arcana cards. You can use Tarot cards as tarot card spells for love and for divination apart from using it as a tool for making predictions and answer questions.
Tarot Spell To Attract Love
Furthermore, it is possible that you can cast a spell on someone to be in love with you using tarot card spells for love. Basically, you can encourage the other person to get attracted towards you and let him decide if he can be your partner or not. You cannot force the other person to love you by using these tarot card spells for love.
Tarot Card Spells for Love
To cast tarot card spells for love, you can start meditating on your Lovers card and recite the following for three times:
Tarot Spell To Attract Love
There are many such tarot card spells for love you can try. To cast the second tarot card spell, you would three tarot cards viz. Star card, Lovers card and Kings of Cup. To begin with, write down all the things you want in your desired partner. While writing this, you can spend some time and prefer writing generally rather than specifically.
For instance, instead of writing “a person with green eyes”, you may write “a person with beautiful eyes”. Now to cast the tarot card spells for love, you have to be in the meditating position. First of all, take those three cards and lay them down. Look at the list of things you had written and visualize your partner. Just think of you and your partner together.
Now, chant the following tarot card spells for love:
“I call upon the good spirits, I call upon karmic forces.
I call upon wide ruling powers.
Make smooth the way that my soulmate may be brought to me.”
Now, you can close your eyes and keep that paper (with the list of desired partner features) over those three cards. Again visualize yourself with your desired partner and chant the following tarot card spells for love:
“As I lay down this list, the spell is cast.
The magic shall last, so mote it be.”
Soulmate Tarot Card Spell Casting
If you want to fulfill your desires of finding your soulmate, the best and easy way is soulmate tarot card spell casting. With this, your dreams come true and become reality as they force the universe energy to act in favor of you. To commence with, you just need a deck of tarot cards and you would be ready to perform soulmate tarot card spell casting. There is one attraction spell that you can perform with the help of tarot cards which is as below:
On a piece of paper, you have to write the name of that person whom you love and want to be in your life. Now, you just have to sprinkle some rose petals over that paper and fold it. You should hide this paper in the underwear drawer. Thus, this soulmate tarot card spell casting would make your lover attract towards you.
There is an effective soul mate tarot card spell casting that you can do using bottle. To do this, you would need one bottle, pen, paper, your hair and your lover’s hair. To start with, put your and your lover’s hair in the bottle. Next step of this soul mate tarot card spell casting is to write your wish on the paper and put it in that bottle.
For this soul mate tarot card spell casting to be successful, in the midnight, you just have to bury that bottle. Hide this bottle in such a place where no one can find it. Now, you can wait for the results for this soul mate tarot card spell casting.
Other than this, you can also try a simple and easy soul mate tarot card spell casting. To perform this soul mate tarot card spell casting, you can take a pot. Grow basil in the pot and keep a bow tuck in front of that pot.
Money Spells using Tarot Cards
If you are short of money and desperately need wealth in your life, money spells using tarot cards can be helpful for you. To cast the money spells using tarot cards, you would need lemon juice, any Rupee note and quill pen. If you do not have quill pen, you can also use a small paint brush for casting the money spells using tarot cards.
On that Rupee note, you have to write the money spells using tarot cards: “I will this money to return to me tenfold”. To write the money spells using tarot cards, you have to use lemon juice and paint brush. Now, you can chant the money spells using tarot cards aloud: “I will this money to return to me tenfold”.
After this, you can spend this note. If you perform the money spells using tarot cards with confidence and intent, you would receive the amount of money you wish. These money spells using tarot cards are so simple that you need not to have specialist knowledge. Your wealth can definitely increase the number of times you want using the money spells using tarot cards.